Published on Mon., August 30, 2010

18th Annual Education Grants Awarded by Education Foundation, Inc.

The annual Lynchburg City Schools Education Foundation Grant Awards program and reception was held on June 3, 2010 at Linkhorne Middle School. Thirty-eight corporate sponsored education grant certificates were awarded to Lynchburg City Schools' teachers by corporate sponsor representatives. The winning grants, with a total budget of $38,343, were selected from seventy proposals submitted. Priority was given to those grants that demonstrated innovative and effective ways to meet student needs and increase motivation to learn.

The annual program provides an opportunity for grant winners to present highlights of their program or activity. Thanks to the continued generosity of our many participating corporate sponsors, the Foundation has awarded over $223,000 in grants since establishing the program eighteen years ago.


Where in the World Are We? ($300)

Sandusky Middle School
Teachers: Eva Yoder, Connie Ellison
Grant Sponsor: Colonial Brokerage House

This grant will help us to increase the knowledge of both world and United States geography for our students in a creative way.  We will purchase laminated US and World maps and hang them in each reading teacher's classroom. With each new story or novel introduced, the setting will be marked on these maps by students with dry-erase markers. This will help the students make a concrete connection to the story's setting, reinforce geography skills, and provide a year-long visual review of all the selections that have been read in class.


Show Your True SOL Colors! ($1661)

Sandusky Middle School
Teachers: Connie Ellison, Gessica Childress, Calvin Black
Grant Sponsors: Moore & Giles + Education Foundation

This grant will be used to purchase blank white tee shirts for each child at SMS, along with several sets of fabric markers. In grade 8, each student will design a tee shirt with a key SOL reading/writing term on it (simile, metaphor, foreshadowing, hyperbole, alliteration, idiom, etc.) The term and definition will go on the back of the shirt, and the picture that the student created to illustrate the term will go on the front. In grade 7, each child will design a tee shirt with a key SOL math term (number families, mode, median, polygon, proportion, ratio, etc) on it. Word and definition again on the back, and the child's depiction of it on the front. In grade 6, the focus will be key dates, events, and people from history. The students will again define the event on the back of the shirt, and illustrate it on the front. We will then hold periodic "Show Your True SOL Colors" days, when the entire student body will wear their shirts.


Making Reading Fun ($1248)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Kathy Abbott, Amanda Fowler, Susan Nolan
Grant Sponsors: Genworth Financial + Education Foundation

In order to effectively address the literacy deficits of remedial students, research suggests children regularly read high-interest books on their individual reading level. This grant will allow us to purchase leveled readers for Perrymont's at-risk reading students. These readers will be incorporated in small, remedial reading groups, and will promote growth in early literacy needs. Our leveled reading library will encourage our students to become more motivated readers, assisting us in turn with the remediation of their reading deficits.


Math on the Move ($1000)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Linda Wyndham, Emily Laybourne, Terrell Midkiff, Lindsay Rose
Grant Sponsor:BB&T Bank

The third grade will use this grant to develop math stations to provide differentiation for our students during our daily math time and for our remediation time. A math station refers to a set of directions and materials that students can take to any location in the room to complete. Activities can even be completed at their desks. Math stations are areas within the classroom where students work alone or interact with one another, using instructional materials to explore and expand their knowledge of math skills. It is a place where a variety of activities reinforces and/or extends learning, often without the assistance of the classroom teacher. It is a time for children to practice math.


Go Math Go! ($517)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Page Miller, Martha Pollard, Jennifer Cowan, Kirsten Goettsche
Grant Sponsor: Lynchburg Municipal Employees Federal Credit Union

This grant will be used to develop math centers. We are promoting independent learning. We want our students to love math and have fun while learning. These centers will allow students to reinforce topics that have been taught in the classroom. Independently they will explore classroom topics further. Children will also learn social skills by interacting and learning from others.


Matching Reading to Text…It Makes a Difference ($2000)

Paul Munro Elementary School
Teachers: Carla Fedeler, Ruth Ann McCarthy
Grant Sponsor: Babcock & Wilcox

Students come to school with varying needs, interests, and experiences. With the aim of building upon these experiences to broaden our students' knowledge base, high quality children's literature in the form of reader's theatre scripts, picture books, and novels are needed for all grade levels to enhance our students' learning during guided reading groups. These books will be used to reinforce, model, and extend reading comprehension strategies as well as science and social studies content. Books are also selected to address our students' reading needs in the area of fluency, decoding, and vocabulary. To provide the best instruction to small groups of students, multiple copies of each title at our students' instructional reading levels are required. This grant will be used to purchase leveled nonfiction related to the science and social studies concepts taught, reader's theatre scripts, as well as books by various award winning authors based on student interest for all grade levels.


From De Islands Mon ($2000)

Robert S. Payne Elementary School
Teacher: Lynore Long
Grant Sponsor: Special Fund GLCT + Education Foundation

Lynchburg City Schools has long understood the importance of the arts in education. This STEEL PAN DRUM project provides an outlet for creativity, self-expression, and individual uniqueness. This music project opens avenues of success for students who may have difficulties in other areas of the curriculum. The program addresses approaches to learning that can be applied in other contexts. Along with the drumming activity, students will learn about the cultural atmosphere from which the drumming is derived. In addition to skills inherent in learning to play the drums, students develop skills which support math and reading, as well as science and social studies.


Winning Way With Words ($500)

Sandusky Middle School
Teacher: Linda Borland
Grant Sponsor: Dominion Seven Architects

In an effort to help special education students experience a smooth transition to inclusion, we will provide strategies and models for mastering the vocabulary and content of the science curriculum.  This project will provide for the construction and implementation of vocabulary cards. The vocabulary words will be written on one side of a small note card and the definitions on the reverse side. The note cards will be put on a ring which will provide for easy review. Large note cards will be used to create a "Wordsplash" with vocabulary words. Vocabulary words will be "splashed" at random angles and positions on a chart or board with the topic of the science chapter in the middle. Prior to reading the chapter, students will be given group activities such as brainstorming to generate sentences for each of the words to show how they think they are related to the topic. These materials will later be utilized in games, class activities, pre-test reviews, and warm-ups.


Listening Panthers ($1600)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Carla Hamilton, Kathy East, Martha Clark, Candace Mercer
Grant Sponsor: Babcock & Wilcox

In order to teach a diverse group of students which includes students who need to be enriched and students who need remedial assistance, we provide small group instruction. This grant will be used to create listening centers that have structured activities that accelerate and provide remedial activities for those students who are not in a small group with their teacher.


A Star is Born ($500)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Wendy Pugh, David West, Ruthann Oertle
Grant Sponsor: Candler Oil Company

The funds from this grant will be used to purchase a Readers Theater Kit to use with all of our children in fourth grade. It will be used during Intervention, Enrichment, and Remediation. We want to build fluency and comprehension. Research has shown that this program is successful in motivating children to want to read, in enhancing their confidence, and improving speaking skills. With a Readers Theater the children act out plays and stories across curriculum. Each week during Remediation, a group of students will interact with others to practice then present the Readers Theater.


Artists-In-Residence ($2000)

E. C. Glass High School
Teacher: Jim Ackley
Grant Sponsor: Susan Morrison + Anne/Chauncey Spencer Grant

While the Glass Drama program submitted this proposal, the other schools that will be participating are Linkhorne Middle, Dunbar Middle, Bedford Hills Elementary, Dearington Elementary, Linkhorne Elementary, Paul Munro Elementary, Perrymont Elementary, R.S. Payne Elementary, T.C. Miller Elementary. This project will bring to our school system two LCS alumni in January and February, 2010, to conduct workshops and teach classes throughout the system, as well as to work alongside EC Glass students on their production of The Music Man. More than 4800 students could ultimately participate in workshops and/or performances with the Artists during this project. In addition, the Artists will be available to visit other LCS schools, not included in the Grant application, should their schedule permit.


Presenting with Puppets ($491)

Linkhorne Middle School
Teachers: Sheri Bosta, Peter Sengenberger, Rhonda Miller
Grant Sponsor: R.M. Gantt Construction

In small groups, sixth grade Great Achievement students will identify and research a heroic event/person (current or historic - social studies & academic achievement). They will then research and create a script in which to portray the event (Technology, Reading & Writing). Students will then create sock puppet characters and backgrounds to go along with their presentations (Art), Students will memorize their parts and act out the scene via use of a puppet stage, special lighting, and microphone system (Drama). Students will also be in charge of video recording their performances (Technology). Examples include: Bill Cosby, the Subway Super Hero, Matthew Henson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Christopher Reeve, etc. Following this project, sixth grade writing students (eligible based on behavior and academics) will divide into small groups, choose created puppets of choice, research and create scripts which follow a short story plot-line, and create their own presentations (Behavior Management / Writing / Reading / Drama).

Build A Reader ($972)

Robert S. Payne Elementary School
Teacher: Kim Beuerle
Grant Sponsor: Babcock & Wilcox

2nd graders will build two “Build a Bears” on line. Students will take turns taking a bear home in a backpack with a Flip Camcorder to document their reading experience. These digital camcorders are small, inexpensive, and very simple to use. When the Flip returns, at first the teacher will download their video into Windows Movie Maker. Eventually, students will be able to download their video to their own folders. One Flip will stay in the classroom to record reading during class time. Each student will then have their own file in Windows Movie Maker and at the end of the school year their file will be downloaded onto a DVD that they can watch at home. The movie will document how well the student has improved in reading over the school year. Using the Flip would excite students and get them interested in reading and improve their reading.


Show Your “Grade” Pride ($469)

Sandusky Elementary Schools
Teachers: Jeryl Callahan, Kay Allen, Heather Landis
Grant Sponsor: Dominion Seven Architects

4th graders will be involved in the design of a grade level t-shirt. This shirt will be school colors and display a positive message about test success, effort, or reading, that students brainstorm and create themselves. Then each 4th grade teacher will choose 3 students to stay after school and transform the ideas of their classmates into the actual shirts. All students will feel proud to be able to wear the t-shirts that everyone had input in designing. Students will get motivated to do their best while wearing their grade level t-shirts. They will only be worn for special occasions such as the "Train Your Brain" assemblies, DWAP tests, SOL tests, field trips, field day, etc. because those are the days we need to feel more united and encouraged.


Raising the Dead: Bringing Edgar Allen Poe Back to SMS ($475)

Sandusky Middle School
Teachers: Susan Cox, Evette Anderson
Grant Sponsor: Lynchburg Nissan

Funding from this grant will bring Scott Craig Jones, a one-man performer who portrays Edgar Allen Poe, to Sandusky Middle School. Jones presents a “back to life” chat with the audience and performs many of Poe’s well-known works, including "The Conqueror Worm," "Spirit of the Dead," "The Raven," "Eldorado," Annabel Lee," "The Tell-Tale Heart," and "A Dream Within a Dream." Culturally, these performances will enable students to experience live theater. Unfortunately, given the demographics of the population of Sandusky Middle School, many students would not otherwise have such an opportunity.


Write, Camera, Action ($500)

Robert S. Payne Elementary School
Teachers: Lee Ohl, Lori Smith
Grant Sponsor: WSET

Write, Camera, Action is a writing program in which students create a dialogue to narrate a videotaped feature. This can include, but is not limited to, science experiments, math problem solving techniques, field trips, mini plays based on novels or short stories, and creative features. This program is being created as enrichment for this year's elementary language focus with 50 3rd grade GO Center students. The cameras purchased with the grant money will also be available to the 100 4th and 5th grade GO Center students and teachers.


Freedom Flags in Our Schools ($735)

Sandusky Middle School
Teacher: Michael Bremer
Grant Sponsor: Sylvan Learning Center + Education Foundation

The purpose of the Freedom Flags in Our Schools project is to provide students and adults the opportunity to reflect on the heroes and victims of the events of 9-11-01. Students should be reminded of the attacks on our nation that occurred on 9/11 which continue to shape our national agenda and foreign policy. The grant will allow all 16 schools and the Central Administration building to replace their worn Freedom Flags.


I Never Knew: Bridging the Achievement Gap ($1050)

Sandusky Middle School
Teachers: Santina Knight, Susan Cox
Grant Sponsors: Lynchburg Retail Merchants Foundation + Education Foundation

This grant will provide funds for enrichment activities beyond those offered in the formal classroom. The targeted students are those enrolled in the Soar to Success Reading Intervention Program. So often, these students wind up in remedial reading not because of learning problems or a low IQ, but because they lack the economic resources necessary to enhance their education. By providing access to the cultural and historic venues in our community, we will be helping to bridge the achievement gap for these students.


The Lessons and Legacy of D-Day ($1200)

Sandusky Middle School
Teachers: Eileen Phillips, Ryan White, Beverly Branch, Robert Przybycian
Grant Sponsor: Education Foundation

In conjunction with the 7th grade social studies instruction of World War II, we would like to fund a trip for our students to visit the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford. The D-Day Foundation is committed to educating our young people about the scope and significance of the invasion, and its importance in our history. They offer a two hour program that is aligned with the VA SOLs entitled "Valor, Fidelity, and Sacrifice," providing students with hands on activities about the invasion.


Keeping Engineering Vested Among “KEVA” Kids ($500)

Dearington & T.C. Miller Elementary School
Teacher: Twanda Johnson
Grant Sponsor: AREVA

“KEVA” (Keeping Engineering Vested Among) Kids is a project geared toward igniting problem-solving passion and developing more creative thinking in the minds of elementary students as they become involved in the engineering process through both designing and building. The project will involve the use of KEVA planks to create architectural designs. In this project, students will explore the principles of engineering and design while also making cross-disciplinary connections. A large portion of the project will involve the use of the KEVA planks to explore both qualitative and quantitative measurements. Students will be involved in inquiry learning as they design their own structures to solve challenges (i.e.: building bridges) and make observations about the different types of designs that are built. The “KEVA” Kids project not only integrates other subject matter with the sciences but also connects the learner to the real life applications of building and design.


When “Five More Minutes” Really Means, “Five More Minutes”; Using Visual Timers in the Classroom ($925)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Kathy Latham, Erin Dragan, Erika Currin, Todd Hoglund
Grant Sponsor: RR Donnelley

Visual timers with an audible sound (when time has expired) will be utilized in the following classrooms: Pre-K through 5, Title I, Special Education classroom(s), ESL/ELL, and Speech-Language therapy area. The timers will be used to ensure on-task behavior and enhance the learning environment.


UA Solar Telescope: You Can See the Possibilities ($753)

Linkhorne Middle School
Teacher: Michael Mattox
Grant Sponsor: Hurt & Proffitt

There are few areas of science that create more awe and interest than astronomy, but we are at a disadvantage - we only have school during the daytime. Therefore the question must be asked, using a telescope, what can we look at during school hours that would be interesting enough to create an excitement for our students by observing it? The sun of course!  This grant will be used to purchase a solar telescope to offer our students the opportunity to learn firsthand the parts of a telescope, how to set up and align the telescope, how to safely and properly view objects using a telescope and to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom by identifying features on the sun’s surface and in its atmosphere.


Community Service and Outreach ($550)

E.C. Glass High School
Teacher: Linda Harding
Grant Sponsor: Education & Research Foundation

“Empty Bowls” began in a Michigan High School in 1990 and now helps the hungry across our nation. The concept is to organize a charitable event in which artist and art students can make a personal difference to their community. Students and artists make ceramic bowls for the project. The bowls are used as serving pieces at a fund-raising meal of soup and bread. Guests of the dinner select a bowl to use at the meal and keep it as a reminder of all the empty bowls of the world. Guests are asked to make a donation to support local food outreach programs. From its humble beginnings in one high school this event has expanded to an international collection of events that have “raised tens of millions of dollars for anti-hunger organizations.”  The Academy of Fine Arts is hosting their “empty bowls” dinner in February 2010. The students and community of E.C. Glass have been invited to create bowls and help serve the event. We encourage our students to get involved, volunteer and reach out to their community. Our support of “empty bowls” will educate our students about local hunger, allow them to contribute, and get them involved in their community.


Reducing the Achievement Gap through Interactive Technology ($913)

Linkhorne Middle School
Teachers: Dennis Cooke, Jeanne Skinner, Ed Donigan, Rhonda Miller
Grant Sponsor: Babcock & Wilcox

Funds from this grant will  help support the integration of Smart Board ready software and other materials into the seventh grade US History II classroom. With the current diversity of students in today's classrooms, it is imperative to use all available resources to ensure understanding and retention of the content presented. A new tool in the classroom is the Smartboard. It is an interactive white board that can be used to fully engage the student in the learning process. It works with Power Point, video streaming, the embedded Smartboard program and other interactive applications.


Seventh Grade Math Success ($923)

Linkhorne Middle School
Teachers: Gretchen Morgan, Barbara Lucy
Grant Sponsor: Dodson Pest Control

This grant will help the Linkhorne Middle School seventh grade math department expand our “Road to SOL Success” program with the objective of helping all of our at risk students increase their math skills and to test proficient on the seventh and eighth grade math SOL’s. The objective is that by the end of the year the students will have mastered all of the learning objectives as outlined by the state of Virginia pertaining to seventh and eighth grade math. The Grade 7 and 8 Buckle Down books are clear concise resources that allow students to focus on one learning objective at a time. The books will be used to reinforce concepts throughout the year in math class, during math remediation (E-Period), and for end of the year “Road to SOL Success” review.


 “It’s All in the Bag” Math Manipulatives ($568)

Linkhorne Middle School
Teachers: Michelle Hedges, Lydia Campbell, Kira Roberts, Karen Kohuth
Grant Sponsor: Bank of the James

The purpose of this grant is to improve our fifth grade students’ knowledge, accuracy and fluency of basic math facts while increasing supportive parental involvement. With the creation of “It’s All in the Bag,” our goal is to get parents involved by providing fun math “kits” for each family. Each “kit” comes complete with two pencils, a pencil sharpener, multiplication and division flash cards, a timer, multiplication chart, dominoes, dice, dominoes, ruler, and protractor. These kits will be located in the home, easily accessible, for the student and the parent throughout the school year. Easy to follow directions for the parents are included so they will know how to use each of the items with their child. By getting these materials in their homes, we are encouraging the continuation of the learning process and reinforcing the parental role within a child’s education.


Making Math Matter Mobile Math Kits ($1108)

Linkhorne Elementary School
Teachers: Kira Roberts, Michelle Hedges, Karen Kohuth
Grant Sponsor: Piedmont Community Health Plan

This grant is to improve the fluency and accuracy of students with their general math facts. With the creation of Mobile Math Kits for our third grade students, our goal is to greatly increase parental involvement as well as student readiness by providing Math kits that would reside at the student’s home and be readily available to the parents to assist their students with homework, as well as drilling preparations for basic math facts. Not only do we believe that the students knowledge of math facts will increase, we also feel confident that we will encourage and empower the parents to become more involved in their child's education.


Perrymont Panthers Jump for Success ($1960)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Karen Nelson, Kim Moss, Christina Jones, Jennifer Carter
Grant Sponsor: Wachovia Bank

This year long program will kick-off with a motivational assembly conducted by professional rope jumper, educator, entertainer, and athlete, Mark Rothstein. Mark’s program, “World of Rope Jumping,” is a motivational school program that emphasizes rope jumping techniques and skills, character education, and total fitness. Every student in grades PreK-5 will attend the show and have an opportunity to attend an active, hands-on workshop conducted by Mr. Rothstein. Students will then participate in our program on a daily basis during the 10 minute structured period of their daily recess block and students will continue to improve their skills through daily practice. Frequent progress monitoring will promote the acquisition of math skills at all grade levels by charting improvements. This information will be used in problem solving activities in the classrooms and will be featured on WPES, our morning news program.

Cognitive Development – Strings Attached ($2000)

Linkhorne Middle School
Teachers: Nancy Koes, Gigi Sweeney
Grant Sponsor: Education Foundation

This grant will be used to purchase a bass instrument and two violin and viola racks. With the additional bass we would be able to allow more children to select this instrument as a choice for their musical education. Our award winning strings program requires much preparation time before children can begin learning, playing, and performing. The purchase of a string bass and violin and viola racks will allow more “time on task” for children to benefit from this unique hands-on educational experience that only can be obtained by playing in an orchestra. The payback of having children learning music is exponential. More children playing, more children able to practice at home, more children appearing in public performances, more community visibility, more support for our children in Lynchburg City Schools, more successful students creating better citizens for our community and beyond.


Experiencing Shakespeare: A Visit to the American Shakespeare Center ($1890)


E.C. Glass High School
Teachers: Bobbie Green, Brooksie Blanks, Diedre Wesley, Sarah Payne
Grant Sponsor: Education Foundation


This grant will allow our ninth graders to visit Staunton, VA to experience Romeo and Juliet live in the only replica of Shakespeare's Blackfriar's Playhouse. Students will be able to tour the playhouse, see the best professional actors perform the play live, then have a talk-back with the actors after the play.


Fractured Fairy Tales Humorous Takes on Favorite Tales to Boost Reading Skills ($400)

Sandusky Elementary School
Teachers: Carolyn McCarron, McKinley Tucker, Sarah Webb
Grant Sponsor: Central Virginia Federal Credit Union

The money from this grant will be used to purchase six modern versions of the classics in a set of six each, read aloud plays, art materials, and blank books. After completing the unit students will use their imagination and write their own fairy tales. In this unit students will also have an opportunity to publish a fairy tale online through the Scholastic teacher resources website and respond to stories written by other students around the country.


Fonics Phun ($210)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Laura Craighill, Chris Smith, Donnie Ingram
Grant Sponsor: Jimmy Ping Grant

The proposed phonics program (Fonics Phun) will be used during small group instruction to supplement the Harcourt Trophies reading series. Fonics Phun will reinforce the connection between spoken language and letter patterns. It will focus mainly on vowels, including: short, long, r-controlled, and vowel spelling patterns. The instruction will be teacher directed in a small group of no more than 5 students. The student groupings will be based on PALS spelling features. During the small group time students will participate in hands-on phonics games which will help students to both decode and spell unfamiliar words.


Perrymont Iditarod Winners Travel with Gary Paulson ($500)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Susie Shade, Bobbie Braun, Gwyn Tatum, Tammy Sellers
Grant Sponsor: Wal-Mart

Funds from this grant will enable the 5th grade students at Perrymont to take a virtual ride along the Iditarod Trail with children’s author Gary Paulson as he mushes his dog team to Nome, Alaska, this spring. Funds will help secure an online subscription to the Iditarod Insider which allows students to have a real time experience with the mushers and their dog teams before, during, and after the race. Along with the subscription, the funding includes individual copies of Gary Paulson’s book, Woodsong, Iditarod maps, and Iditarod Racing Guides. The students presently read a portion of one chapter of Mr. Paulson’s book, Woodsong, as a selection in their Harcourt reading texts. This selection is about teamwork and training sled dogs.


Reflections on Learning: Using Mirrors to Enhance SOL Instruction ($2000)

T.C. Miller Elementary School
Teacher(s): Barbara Moody, Katie Roseveare, Renee Anderson, Beth Schrock
Grant Sponsor: Babcock & Wilcox

This grant will enable us to purchase large portable, unbreakable mirrors to use in classrooms and in the movement education area. We will prepare innovative lesson plans for teachers to use in cross-curricular ways to deliver core curriculum. For example, when 5th graders are studying light, students will be able to explore a variety of activities related to reflection. In math, mirrors will be used to teach congruency and symmetry. Teachers can actually set up a center in the classroom that can be used independently by students. It will allow students a unique way to practice math and science concepts, expressive reading, oral presentation, and more. The mirrors can easily be moved to the movement education/arts area so a whole class will be able to see themselves as they work on specific skills, providing instant feedback on performance and accuracy.


Bouncing for Brain Power ($500)

Perrymont Elementary School
Teachers: Gwyneth Tatum, Tammy Sellers
Grant Sponsor: SunTrust Bank

Funds from this grant will replace the hard plastic student chairs with stability balls. Stability balls are proven to improve physical health and academic achievement. Research has shown that stability balls help to enhance core strength and aid in better circulation. When the abdominal muscles are engaged, students are less likely to engage in fidgeting behavior. Instead, their energy is focused into maintaining proper balance and posture. Proper posture leads to better blood flow which in turn oxygenates the brain. Lynchburg City Schools has developed a wellness guideline to improve the health of our students. Utilization of stability balls will only support this endeavor. Research also states that attention span is limited to a student’s age plus two, which for fifth graders would be equal to twelve minutes. When faced with a rigorous academic schedule, it is often difficult, if not impossible, to build in appropriate movement breaks. We have found the solution. We propose that the small movements associated with maintaining the stability on the ball provides the movement breaks for our students. The use of the stability ball by the entire class will help to reduce distractions that normally would affect the learning of others.


Eagles Soaring with the "T.C. Miller Ten" ($2000)

T.C. Miller Elementary School
Teachers: Sarah Campbell, Katherine Hudson, Barb Moody, Janet Carson
Grant Sponsor: Piedmont Community Health Plan

Our school has developed a school-wide behavior management plan, incorporating many concepts from a book by Ron Clark, “The Essential 55". Ron Clark is an educator who has had great success with his program. We have targeted “The T.C. Miller Ten” basic rules that all students are expected to follow in all situations which correlate with our core values of Readiness, Respect, Responsibility. Our student body and faculty have been divided into four "houses" or teams, each named after a type of eagle, our school mascot. The teams consist of students/faculty from all grade levels and disciplines. Each team is working together to earn points for privileges and incentives for their house.  Grant money will be used to purchase individual house flags to show team pride, a large flag with all four houses to fly on our school flagpole. We will also purchase t-shirts in each house color for each student. The houses will earn these shirts when they reach a certain level of points and they can be worn for educational field trips to help identify each child with their house. We will also purchase incentive items for the lunch room such as colored tablecloths and centerpieces, special snacks and other rewards. We will also purchase sets of Ron Clark's books (2 books in each set) for each grade level to use. Lastly, we will purchase a large "house" trophy to be awarded quarterly to the winning house and a plaque to be placed in the front hallway showing which house won the trophy each quarter.


Meaningful Watershed & Plasma ($425)

Dunbar Middle School
Teachers: Thomas Foster, Julia Timmons
Grant Sponsor: Wal-Mart

This project is two-fold: first, the watershed covers many scientific concepts that relates specifically to human impact, water cycle, and natural resources; secondly, the 18" plasma globe is designed to show energy transfer via excited gas molecules. The watershed component focuses on the impact of humans and the corresponding ecological consequences. The addition of this attraction to our Marine Biology & Herpetology center will aid the Life Science teachers in their pursuit of providing quality education and overall SOL success. The proposed watershed will highlight these various concepts as pollutants: fertilizers, pesticides, oils from motorized vehicles, trash, and industrialized chemicals to name a few. Other concepts include the following: stream ecology, corresponding animal impact, human impact, and community impact.


Explore the Past, Inspire the Future ($1000)

Dearington Elementary School for Innovation
Teachers: Jason Pavey, Barbara Clair
Grant Sponsor: Babcock & Wilcox

This project will create an archaeological dig site at Dearington Elementary School for Innovation (DESI) and will integrate Social Studies, Writing, Mathematics, Technology, and Art Standards of Learning. The reusable dig site and materials will provide a unique hands-on experience for students to simulate real world discovery experiences. The students will have the opportunity to piece together information and draw conclusions based on essential skills such as comparing and contrasting historic events, sequencing events in Virginia History, and interpreting ideas and events. During the project there will be four archaeological dig pits that will have replica artifacts placed in them to simulate years of concealment. The students will be utilizing standard archaeological procedures to identify the objects, categorize them, photograph them, and map the location on a grid. Each of the dig pits will focus on a specific time period in history that correlates with our Virginia Studies SOL’s. The students will place their findings and pictures of the find in the display case with a short narrative on what the item is and what it was used for. Similarly, they will photograph each item, have photographs from the dig site, and use their written notes to produce a narrative photo collage about the dig items. This “virtual museum” will be posted in the “Sandbox” area of the intranet so that it can be used throughout the entire division. Upon completion of the dig, research, and presentation; parents and family members will be invited to DESI to view the presentations and ask questions of the students pertaining to the archaeological dig.

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