Emergency Response Protocols

Restricted Entry & Exit icon

Restricted Entry & Exit

Restricted Entry & Exit is used to secure school buildings and grounds when there is a potential safety concern outside of the building. Possible Restricted Entry & Exit situations include police activity in the neighborhood, an unauthorized person on site, or dangerous animal in the area.

Students and staff continue normal activity inside, but entering and exiting the building is prohibited.

Hold icon


A Hold is used when hallways need to be cleared. Possible Hold situations include medical emergencies, investigations, or maintenance issues where hallways must be cleared.

Students and staff continue normal activities inside the classroom, but movement throughout the building is stopped and all scheduled class changes are disregarded. When necessary and safe to do so, students are escorted to restrooms. No one is allowed in or out of the building.

Lockdown icon


Lockdown is an action schools take to secure school buildings and grounds during incidents that pose an immediate threat of violence inside of the school building. The primary objective is to ensure all students, staff, and visitors are secured away from immediate danger. Incidents might include an intruder in the building or any other active threat.

Teachers and staff account for students and ensure that no one leaves their classrooms or safe area. No one is allowed in or out of the building.

Evacuate icon


Evacuate is used to move students and staff to safer locations outside of the building when a fire or other emergency requires that they leave the building. The primary objective of an evacuation is to ensure that all staff, students, and visitors can quickly move away from a potential threat.


Shelter icon


Shelter can be used to quickly move students, staff, and visitors indoors in the event of a severe weather incident or if hazardous materials are released in the area. For severe weather, depending on the threat level, individuals may be required to move to rooms without windows or into the main building.



In certain situations, Lynchburg City Schools may implement a controlled release of students known as Reunification. This may be required due to weather conditions, power outages, hazardous materials, or crises at the school. LCS follows the Standard Reunification Method (SRM), a well-established protocol designed to make the process smoother and more predictable for all involved. Reunification may take place at an alternative location, depending on the nature of the event, and could involve students from other schools as well.

When a reunification is necessary, parents will be notified directly through email, phone, and text alerts. It's essential for parents to follow the instructions provided, which may include meeting their child at a specific location and time. Parents should always bring identification to expedite the process and remain patient, as reunification ensures the safe and secure transfer of custody to authorized individuals. If parents cannot immediately pick up their child, students will only be released to pre-designated emergency contacts.

For parents of student drivers, note that students may not always be permitted to leave in their own vehicles, depending on the circumstances. In all cases, LCS prioritizes student safety and accountability throughout the reunification process.

All LCS staff participate in annual Standard Reunification Method training to ensure readiness in emergency situations.