Ayanna Stamps-Glover, a special education teacher at Heritage Elementary School, has been named the 2024-25 Lynchburg City Schools (LCS) Teacher of the Year. A shining example of a passionate and hardworking teacher, Stamps-Glover embodies the LCS mission to support every child, by name and by need, to graduation and beyond.
“Ms. Stamps-Glover’s deep commitment to meeting the unique needs of each student exemplifies the very best of what it means to be an educator. She is a true advocate and champion for her students, evidenced by her unwavering dedication, creativity in teaching, and belief in the potential of every learner,” said LCS Interim Superintendent Dr. Ben Copeland.
Stamps-Glover teaches students with cognitive disabilities in kindergarten through second grade. She’s known for her innovative and inclusive teaching methods, dedication to the success of every student, and strong partnerships with families and staff members. Her untiring commitment and personalized approach to special education have proved transformative to her students at Heritage Elementary.
“In my 32 years of education, I have never witnessed such a thoughtful and impactful approach. She is her students’ strongest advocate, supporting both students and their families with integrity and respect,” said Heritage Elementary principal Sharon Anderson.

Stamps-Glover was surprised with the news of her 2024-25 LCS Teacher of the Year award at a school assembly.
Stamps-Glover’s career at LCS started in 2014, when she served as an instructional assistant at W. M. Bass Elementary School. Over the years, she has served in various capacities at elementary schools across the division. She taught special education at Perrymont Elementary for five years before joining the team at Heritage Elementary in 2023, where she instantly became a beloved member of the school community.
With a keen awareness of her students' academic and socioemotional needs, she creates environments in which every student can thrive. She’s even successfully transitioned some students into general education settings after helping them achieve their goals within special education.
“Though people may underestimate them, I like proving to the world that my students are smart, capable, and can meet goals and expectations. When they leave my classroom and go out into the world, I want them to be prepared for life. I want them to be kind, respectful, and as self-sufficient as they can be, able to navigate themselves and the world while meeting whatever their individual potential is,” Stamps-Glover said.

LCS administrators, City Council members, and School Board members congratulated Stamps-Glover on her accomplishments.
A hallmark of Stamps-Glover’s teaching style is her intentional approach to collaboration with families. She shares lessons and strategies with parents so they can assist their children at home, conducts home visits to foster relationships and support student success, and provides parents with personalized binders to help them keep their children’s records organized.
A true team player, Stamps-Glover is a mentor to new teachers and a leader within the special education team, working closely with fellow staff members to create top-notch educational experiences. She teams up with general education teachers to promote inclusive practices, ensuring special education students can participate in school activities, field trips, and classroom instruction alongside general education students whenever possible. She also works with community partners to access resources and create opportunities for her students.
“Ms. Stamps-Glover has elevated the special education adaptive classroom to unprecedented heights, providing opportunities for students who would have previously been placed in separate educational settings to thrive within Heritage Elementary,” Anderson said. “She transforms students' lives and educational trajectories. Students who previously did not communicate verbally are now speaking in short phrases and making verbal requests.”
Stamps-Glover was nominated by school administrators and selected as the 2024-25 LCS Teacher of the Year after a competitive interview process. She will go on to apply for consideration to represent LCS at the state level as the Virginia Teacher of the Year.
“I do not take this honor lightly, and I would like to thank every staff member who has supported me on my educational journey. I will do my best to represent LCS and Heritage Elementary at the state level,” Stamps-Glover said.