Published on Tue., March 24, 2020

Dear LCS families, 


Our goal, and the goal of the Virginia Department of Education, during this school closure is that all 12th grade students who are on track to graduate, will graduate and students who are on track to be promoted to the next grade level will be promoted. LCS still has the expectation for students to continue with learning for the remainder of the school year. More details about our long-term plan for continued instruction will be coming. Students, make sure you use the enrichment activities and resources in Google Classroom that have already been provided. 


There is a lot of information that our administrative team is reviewing. 

We will post links to these pages on our website. These are the resources and guidelines we will be using as we determine our long term plan moving forward. 


Our Curriculum and Instruction team is hard at work to provide instructional materials and guidance. Check for updates on our website  and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing resources with you. Stay tuned! 


We will work to ensure  equity regardless of access to technology, income level, English learner status, and/or special needs. Any learning gaps that occur because of this closure will be addressed. While we can’t replicate a typical school day, we can ensure that students continue to learn and grow. 


Do you have any essential medications still at your child’s school? If so, please email the LCS Nurse Coordinator Andrea Bryant at [email protected] or call the Department of Student Services at (434) 515-5043 and leave a message. We will respond as soon as possible and work with a parent or guardian to get the medication back to you.  


This week our meal delivery schedule will continue as it has been. Please be aware though that coming soon we'll be condensing the delivery schedule to three days a week. We will still provide daily breakfast and lunch, but students will instead pick up two breakfasts and two lunches on a single day. We will also be working with the community to add more feeding sites. 


We will be waiting to send report cards by the end of April. Parents can still log on to Infinite Campus to see student progress. 


Applications for the LCS Pre-Kindergarten program are still being accepted for the 2020-21 school year.

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