Nicole Chalmers, Supervisor of Student Services
Phone: (434) 515-5035
Email: [email protected]
Lynchburg City Schools has a Truancy Center located at the School Administration Building, 915 Court Street. The Truancy Center is staffed with four Lynchburg City School employees who accept truancy referrals from the individual schools and process the cases to the court. An Interagency Truancy Review Team is in place to review truancy cases and write recommendations for the Juvenile Court.
Homeless Education
The federal McKinney-Vento Act guarantees school enrollment for anyone who, due to a lack of permanent housing, lives in inadequate or temporary settings. Children and youth living in these settings meet criteria for the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness and have special educational rights.
Homeless Education page
LCS staff work with the Lynchburg Department of Human Services to monitor "learnfare" cases. The code of Virginia requires families who receive assistance (TANF) have their children attend school regularly.
Missed Bus Pickup Program
Missed Bus Pickup will be available from 7:15-11:15 a.m. only on a first come, first served basis. This pilot initiative provides students who have missed their regular school bus pickup with an alternative form of transportation to school.
Missed Bus Pickup Program page
Truancy Staff
Frida Mitchell All In Attendance Specialist |
email (434) 515-5097 |
Alex Goshey Student Support Specialist |
email (434) 515-5079 |
Yolanda Skates Student Support Specialist |
email (434) 515-5095 |
Sherell Smith Student Support Specialist |
email (434) 515-5096 |